Product Processing and Product Care

The production of organic pistachios prioritizes the utilization of biological and natural methodologies. These approaches contribute to the sustenance of soil, plant, and environmental health. By eschewing chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the resulting organic pistachio product remains untainted by detrimental substances and the pollution associated with chemical agents.

Harvesting of pistachios generally commences in the latter part of September. At Salari Farm, the harvesting process is carried out manually, meticulously observing health protocols. After transportation to the processing facility, mechanized machines execute the peeling, washing, initial screening, dehumidification, and sorting processes. To achieve thorough desiccation, semi-moist pistachios are meticulously spread across a sanitized mosaic floor. Following two days of exposure to sunlight, both the kernel and shell achieve complete dryness. Subsequently, the product is collected and transported to the warehouse for packaging.

It's important to note that Salar Farm strictly prohibits the use of poisons and chemical fertilizers. Pest control is achieved through microbiological methods, while natural fertilizers such as organic chicken manure are applied to fortify the farm's soil.
The organic pistachio production methodology champions biodiversity preservation and environmental conservation. By embracing natural techniques of cultivation and manipulation, it curtails the adverse alterations in soil and water conditions within the environment. This approach actively safeguards species diversity and curbs the depletion of natural resources, thus contributing to the overall protection of ecosystems.

Production stages, from Planting to Selling the Product

The stages of organic pistachio production, from planting to selling the product, can be divided into three main stages